Monday, January 28, 2013

Mad World

It has been a wee bit crazy here in Logan Utah—probably just Utah in general. The weather here is slightly far fetched, and that’s coming from a girl from Alberta. No the wind isn’t blowing me over, however the ice may just take me down without it! It has been freezing here ever since we got back from Christmas break. It can’t make up its mind. One day it decides to be spring, then suddenly 5 million pounds of fog linger in and you’re suddenly in a dead zone, then bang- it’s a freaking blizzard and there is a TON of snow on the ground! I mean lots and lots of snow.  
            It does keep life a little bit entertaining, you just never know what to expect when you wake up in the morning. For example, I woke up super duper early to go to a 7am test. I went with my good friend Courtney (She’s nice and drives me to school)(I live 2 blocks away from my classroom…shh) ANYWAYS, turns out it’s a winter wonderland out there and we are one of the first to venture on to campus. First we have to walk across the road- to get onto the road we have to hop over a large mound of snow about to our hips. Then we skid across the slushy road hoping that cars see us as they speed off to work, we have to quickly leap over the other mountain of packed snow that awaits us on the other side- this pile is a little bit more tricky, however we make it. We are laughing at this point and Courtney is yelling into the cold air how she would like summer to come. No one yells back because they are still on in bed. We are getting really close to the doors now; we feel we have made it. Failed, Court squeals and I turn around just in time to see her skid around and find her balance before falling on her butt on the cold pavement. I laugh at her because the sidewalks aren’t even icy… I slip, barely catching myself. We then just decided to skate to the door. Snow up to our knees and laughing we went in to take the test. And we did AMAZING!!  (we’ll pretend)

Just to bounce back a week from today, because I want to.
To make the best of this weather Ken and I went up to Beaver Mountain to go boarding on Martin Luther King Day (a nice little holiday here). I wore about a bajillion layers and was ready to freeze my brains out. BUT! It was surprisingly SOO much warmer up there. The sun was shining and I could actually see a big, blue sky (something I go without seeing much of the winter). It ended up being a lot of fun. It was the first time going with ken, he is better then me, no surprise there. It was nice to just be in the fresh air and out of the smoggy little valley I call home. Good story eh? It was worth the extra paragraph for sure.

I do love Logan though, I’m sure I’d like it more in the summer. Just turns out I only live here in the depressing months! Yay me.

Here are some pictorials:

BRIGHT sun. In love.
Bella may have seasonal depression and likes to do this. 
She makes up for it when she does this!
The mother sent me my FAVORITE Lemon Loaf!! love, love 

The new usual, in the MIDDLE OF THE DAY!
This handsome guy had a birthday! 

With all the goods.

And that's it folks!!

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